silent river
A silent river floats beneath your dream
Of an untold humid truth
That sometimes
Makes my veins stiff
A hushed drift of your breath on my flesh
A momentary lapse of an awaken love
An unvoiced confession on your smile,
Burdened, with all the weight of the thoughts
When I dare to believe
That you will save your last kiss
For me
Of an untold humid truth
That sometimes
Makes my veins stiff
A hushed drift of your breath on my flesh
A momentary lapse of an awaken love
An unvoiced confession on your smile,
Burdened, with all the weight of the thoughts
When I dare to believe
That you will save your last kiss
For me
"follow your dreams, for as you dream you shall become.. the only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you"
Dear Sarah, I am all Dreams that sometimes it hurts. Thanks for coming.
love hurts, dreams hurts.. still we love and dream....
Said one oyster to a neighboring oyster, "I have a very great pain within me. It is heavy and round and I am in distress."
And the other oyster replied with haughty complacence, "Praise be to the heavens and to the sea, I have no pain within me. I am well and whole both within and without."
At that moment a crab was passing by and heard the two oysters, and he said to the one who was well and whole both within and without, "Yes, you are well and whole; but the pain that your neighbor bears is a pearl of exceeding beauty." Kahlil Gibran
What would we be, if we had no dreams.
Thanks Sarah, it is true. I have to complain anyways, please ignor me, lol, cheers.
Dear Starry nights, we would be nothing, I would be nothing for as far as I know. thx.
Said dreams are made of roses
I say dreams are made of losses
We NEED dreams! They keep us upright, on our feet ... they make us go on, believe in the good!
Jac - I think dreams are made of both!
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