Friday, March 17, 2006

True story, part 2

It was almost two years after the war was ended, but the UN soldiers were still in there, not quite sure what they were doing, probably picking up Iranian girls!

Oh! did I just reveal the whole story? Well, you might as well know it now because that’s not the point. So many other things that I am about to say are not the point either, but I have to say them because you should know why they are not the point.

what amazes me is your bravery, of kissing him, right on the street, under street lamp on that era of Iran of being so tight which even being with an opposite sex which you weren’t related to, was a big no to begin with. But I guess you knew what you wanted and you would get it, good for you.

Years later, I came across the other victims of that UN soldier. I call it victim on purpose, because you know that he was really an Iranian, who looked Caucasian, kind of like me, with white skin and blond hair who could fool anybody, and to be honest with you, when you have such a feature, sometimes its fun to do so, I have done that myself number of times. But the funny thing is, right on that moment of kissing, inside me, somewhere between feeling that my heart is being broken, and rage, forcing the blood on every little vein on my face, I said to myself; he is kind of like me! So if she likes him, she likes me!

What was left was what should I do now?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

به گمانم تهرانتو بیشتر از اینجا عید آمده ...سال نوی شمسی و نوروز ایرانی ات به شادی و سرور ... به همه سلام برسون ... از روی دخترت ببوس ...

10:20 am, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

سلام و دورود بی پایان بر شما
چون کوچیکترم وظیفه خودم دونستم برسم خدمتتون برای عرض تبریک
سال نو شما مبارک
سلامت ، برکت و خوشبختی از آن شما

6:01 pm, March 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caucasian? just like me ! lol !!!

3:30 pm, March 30, 2006  

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