
When the clown stopped smiling
Mountains yawn opened for aid
Run my boy!
I hold you safe, tell them
You don’t need this parade
Wind puffed off his cloak,
Amused to death
You sucker! I found you!
You can’t scuttle
Hold your breath
The lord himself appeared
With a delicate sound of a thunder
Take your faith to hell O wind!
He needs to disappear
Wind said smile O lord
I have been the sovereign
I will unveil
Suffering of this pig
He is insane!
Rain dropped on the valley
Path was all to vanish
Wind was blowing
Lord was leaving
Mountain’s yawn was to cherish
Clown sat down and thought
Maybe I should smile.
smile at the future ahead or the past that went by?
Beautiful poem
All was gone .. but he still had enough strength to smile. Was it the vague smile of despair? Maybe.
A beautiful poem with a very melancholic, even sad aftertaste!
this is part of the answers to your questions. i will talk to you soon. cheers.
I believe in future, its bright. its all past!
It was a kind of strange story, which goes on without any conclusion, a permanent question in the mind which is still remaining. Nice words! But there is a great Quandary in the poem like clown s thought. Is there the same feeling in you, yourself? Write for me more, either here or in my blog. I want to know more about it …
Anyway, I like your smile :)
Thanks Reza .. I am curious! Take care!!
Make your clown happy
Keep your clown smiling
And he smiled, so you will
For smile can be a mask,
A mask, masking your grief,
Hey ! can you let it stay ?
dear Forouz,
Any change in life brings its consequences and sometimes we are so afraid of that which brings us to state of quandary! So clown chooses to remain a smiling figure. Now, do you want to know who’s the mountain, who’s the wind and who’s the lord? I guess you know who the clown is!
Dear Karin,
its on its way!
dear othersideblue,
i will, cheers.
Dear Jac,
i will sure try,
az ye jooje tighiye koochooloo porsidam:
Bozorgtarin arezoochiye?....kheyli masoomane negam kard bad goft: baghalam mikony
Dear othersideblue;
Beautifully described. I guess I am, the porcupine. No hug for me. thanks.
Ya, sure, I appericiate you let me know the others...
someone i know used to say, clowns makes others smile while their own heart is crying in pain!!.. there is a joy in sadness eh? like Gibran said.. sadness and joy are inseparable..
Reza - any idea why "othersideblue" quit both her blogs? She just stopped ...I was really shocked and miss her!
salam,ta vaghti mituni benevisi khoshhal bash,man dige nemitunam,gom shodam,nemidunam kojam,in yani faratar az badtarin,khoshhalam ke to khubi,hamishe khub bashi,eleena ro bebus
....خنده اش خوني است اشك اميز.....!
شعر زيبايي بود.
Sadness and joy are twins ...almost the same, as Sarah says.
Dear Sarah, there is a joy in sadness, for sure. but i almost want to say ouch!
Dear Karin, i have no idea. i will try to find out if she lets me! whould you OSB?
Baran aziz, mamnon, va hatman.
mamnon Khazan. kam peydayee?
they are Jac, they are.
مدتي سكوت هم صحبتم شده بود...
سكوت به خانه ام امد
سكوت سرزنشم كرد
و سكوت ساكت ماند سر انجام...
و بالاخره رفت...
..اين تا خير رو به بزرگواري خودتون خواهيد بخشيد..
خوش باشين
Reza - maybe I am kind of dumbstruck right now but I don't seem to grasp your question! What do you mean with "would you OSB?" which is certainly "Othersideblue" but - hm, ... can you help me out please? Did you maybe mean "contact? Or "write to"? SURE I'd like to!!
Dear othersideblue, would you let me ask you; why you have stopped writing?
hi reza,
Othersideblue was a poetry blog
I'm not writing there anymore cause i dont feel in the mood,
I been writing in it over than 2 years which is a lot and still there for anyone who cares to read.... thanks for caring .. reza .. you are my friend
Nice pic.. ;)
Reza - will you forgive me if I "hijack" this place for a brief response to Othersideblue? :)
Othersideblue - I felt very sorry you stopped so abruptly, I had all the time the feeling you had fun! Why did you stop your second blog as well? I'd like to stay in some kind of touch ... is that possible? You can e-mail me should you wish ...
Dear OSB,
Sometime ago, I wrote this gibberish which in fact I think describes the mood very well: “Its strange. The mood. And you don’t know what that is because its not yours. But some how you feel that you know what that is, the mood, and once you know it, its not strange after all.” and then I got this beautiful comment which I want to share it with you:
how strange ...
the way my moods change
how strange
the way i feel
Unable my Will
my heart crazy
my brain lazy
my lips waiting
my frozen heart melting
my life i leave with the past
To make me a feather dancing
and turning with the wind.
I wish you happiness, strength, and load of dreams so they help you start again. May the dreams that you wish come true my true friend.
Oh my god!!!!!! I have been hijacked!!!!!!
You make me laugh Reza!! :) I'm a harmless or benign hijacker though, you know that!
What you wrote to OSB is very beautiful!! I hope she'll reconsider or we can at least remain in touch! I really like her!
OSB ... any chance you'll chose one of the two? Reconsider .. or stay in touch? I'd like that a lot ...
Reza - sorryyyyyy!!!
Well - I guess I have to accept she does not want .. not one and neither the other. All I can say is I feel very sorry about it ... but respect of course her decision!
OSB ... I had hoped you would decide differently! I wish you all the best ... ONLY THE BEST!!
Reza .. I won't hijack you any longer!! :)
Here I left a thank you and the 'Thank you' was meant for you but I see it was kidnapped before reaching you.
So I feel the need to repeat again:
Your reply to my comment is so nice...Yeah,it is strange the way a mood changes. The short lines you added describes the way I feel exactly.
Feeling worn out I force on a smile, playing the clown also :)
I appreciate your concern and your good wishes,
Thank you, reza
OSB ..I didn't kidnap your thank you to Reza .. I wouldn't do such a thing!
Dear othersideblue,
That’s what the friends are for, to wish you happiness in any path you choose in your life. I just wish for your return when you think is the right time. All the best.
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