Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Yesterday, was a turning point in my life. Yesterday, after a phone call, suddenly I felt that I am not the same anymore. Yesterday, a new perspective was created in front of my eyes of life. Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I felt that I am getting old.

I had a physical exam last week and by the way that Mark was listening to my heart, I knew there is something wrong. I knew that my heart is beating too fast, faster than normal I mean. It has been like this since I remember. Years back, Mark told me that I have irregular heart beat and that could be the reason that I am getting this terrible headaches all the time. So he put me on medication. My headaches got better which was good, but I couldn’t hear my heart beating anymore, which I didn’t like it although I knew it’s probably a good thing. But hearing my heart beat all the time always made me feel alive. When I can actually see my heart pounding on my chest and trying to get out of it, even with the clothing on, makes me feel I still am on the race. So I stopped taking the pills about 10 months ago, after 6 years.

Yesterday I got the phone call from the doctor’s office and I was so ready to hear that my heart is worn out and I only have 6 months. It was very interesting, the fact that I wasn’t worried. The first thing that came to my mind was; what I can do in these six months left of my life?

The funny thing is that 8 days ago, when I left the doctors office, I didn’t feel like going to work. I had the feeling that I don’t have much time and I have to finish unfinished businesses. So I took the whole week off. What did I do? I finally finished my backyard. I didn’t touch my computer. I started smoking my pipe. And I went to see a play. I decided to come to work this week. I am designing a new elementary school, it’s my fifth one, and I felt it’s a very important project and I have to finish it so 650 students would have a new school. While I was checking my 23 messages I saw the doctor’s number on the other line and I took it. There, there was the call. I pushed the button and before she can say anything I said; 6 months? Or less? She laughed and said; you just have very high cholesterols.

There are many points of transition in ones life when age begins to catch up with you. I might as well accept it, my youth has fled away never to return. So it makes me realize that there are so many things in my life that I wanted to do, but I haven’t. Time is running out. Chasing the sun and it only comes up again behind you; another day of your life has past.


Blogger jac said...


That proves that your prose is equally good, buddy...

It proves that though my cholesterol is under limit, I am older than you...

It also proves that you are a wild horse in a man's attire...

It also proves that you are going to dye exactly 10 years and 7 months after I die...

It is enough for a full celebration Reza dear.
May I order the champagne?

2:27 pm, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Sarah said...

time never runs out.. It has been there from the beginning and still there..only our dreams, wishes, our hopes runs out...We need to learn to live for the day, but we don't.. we all toil today in the hope of a better life tomorrow..

2:56 pm, August 23, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

You certainly may my lad! You made me laugh! Cheers.

12:21 pm, August 24, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Cheer up Sarah! Life is beautiful!
I know, if we can’t blame time, what can we blame?

12:24 pm, August 24, 2006  
Blogger AKA said...

Agreed...the time we have to live out our hopes, dreams and fears seems to be slipping through our fingers like sand in an hourglass. Though time is infinite in general terms, the time we have to make our make in this world is not.

I think you learned a great lesson, though it was a tough way to learn it. We think so many times that we need our computers and so many other distractions. It may in fact be these very things that seem to make life go faster. By slowing down and enjoying each moment, maybe we also slow down those grains of sand.

(Great blog, Reza!)

1:14 am, August 25, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Thanks for comming AKA and your great comment. I have been waiting for you for a long time!! cheers.

9:09 am, August 25, 2006  
Blogger Othersideblue said...

With the coming of each day a new chance is given to us.

Wish ya health and many many beautiful sunrises

hey older than you
does it mean am so old now??:)

12:22 am, August 27, 2006  
Blogger Karin said...

Hi Reza,
You scared the wits out of me at the beginning!!!
Now I have to tell you something as professional and wag my intex-finger ... simply stopping these pills some ten months ago - after SIX YEARS - was a very dangerous and sorry, stupid thing to do! Without knowing you took an enormous risk ... you're lucky things turned out Ok! DON'T DO such a thing!
What these pills most probably were are so-called BETA-blockers and those you NEEEEEVER stop abruptly!! It's a MAJOR no-no!!
If you still feel an irregular heartbeat - please see a cardiologist! You know I care .. listen to me! :)
NO - you're not getting old Reza ... just wiser! ;)

7:22 am, August 28, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Dear OSB, thanks for your visit and your comment. cheers.

10:03 am, August 28, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Dear Karin, sorry to scare you! the pils are beta blockers and i know!!!! lol, i am crazy! i have to see my doctor, Mark, in 4 months, will see. thanks.

10:06 am, August 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

خوشحالم كه مسئله جدي نبوده...راستش..چند وقت پيش بنده هم بنابه دلايلي..مطمئن بودم كه چند ماهي بيشتر اينجا نيستم!!و جالبه!كه با اين احساس چه قدر راحت تر ميشه زندگي كرد..تو اون شرايط زندگي بود كه داشت منو تحمل ميكرد!!!
هميشه خوش باشين و سلامت

10:26 am, August 29, 2006  
Blogger Nan said...

Getting older sucks doesn't it. Hang in there.

6:33 pm, August 29, 2006  
Blogger jac said...


8:43 pm, September 03, 2006  

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