Wednesday, July 12, 2006

you are not

Break the silence
Push it far
Let them say that you are
In fact

You are not
In fact
The brave soldier
Of an ancient myth
You are every brother and sister
Of the union of defeat

Go ahead
Wave your flag of desperation
You are
A symbol of failure
A brained washed fool

You are driven
By the cause
Of an untold truth
How euphoric


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget, you are not driven, never.

7:19 pm, July 12, 2006  
Blogger Othersideblue said...

To tell you the truth I am confused

7:20 am, July 13, 2006  
Blogger Karin said...

It sounds sad, kind of throwing the towel - letting others make judgements!
YOU know who you are ... YOU say where the way leads ... YOU know what you are capable of - nobody else! YOU'RE the boss ... don't let others get you down!!

7:48 am, July 13, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Dear OSB
I am glad you said that, I wrote this after I heard the bombing in India. Its not to me, its to them. Thanks for being here. Cheers.

10:15 am, July 13, 2006  
Blogger jac said...

A 'cause' is a not good enough reason for killing the innocents and for making half a million people rufugees in their own country by terror.

1:06 pm, July 13, 2006  
Blogger starry said...

nice poem, I dont know what makes one do the awful things they do.Its just sad.

3:21 pm, July 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

گاهي انديشم كه شايد سنگ حق دارد!
باز مي گويم :نه!بي شك اتش و باران!
اه!كي اين خفته ياران را توانم ديد بيداران؟!
با دم نمناك سردت اي نسيم صبح بيداري
چشم مستان مرا بيدار كن!رفتند هشياران!

5:18 pm, July 14, 2006  
Blogger Sarah said...

There is never a cause.. nerver been, never will.. there is only fear of the 'cause'.. and that fear makes people kill each other...

8:44 pm, July 14, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

dear Sarah, dear Jac,
Don’t pick a word from the poem and comment on it, read the whole thing, and read it very carefully. Then you would understand that what I mean is; ever since the religion was invented, people are being killed in the name of God, well I don’t believe in peoples inventions but I believe in God and I know that its not what she wants, so there is a cause, but the truth is not divulged.

9:25 am, July 17, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

dear Starry Nights,
Religion makes people racist and gives them an excuse to do the awful things they do. Take out the religion and the consecration of the land, and peace has been created.

9:31 am, July 17, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

خزان عزیز، به راستی که رفته اند هشیاران.

9:35 am, July 17, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

oh dear Karin, i am strong, and angry, perhaps a livid a bit.

9:38 am, July 17, 2006  

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