Tuesday, August 01, 2006

guns with no names

Over the east of the known lands
Where the justice gets out of hands
Train of dreams of an orphaned boy
Is about to depart, it’s a real McCoy
Sitting by his side, almost out of sight
Waiting for his wish I may, wish I might
An angel! is down on his knees
Ready to put him at ease

I am here to dry your tears
Whisper the Gods will in your ears
Its your right no more to suffer
But from now on it only gets tougher
You have been anguished, trashed, hurt enough
I am here to take it all away, with a puff
Well God loves you, you are to be heavened
Your soul is the price, but we need to make it leavened
So take this grenade, hold it like a doll
Find a busy place, a bus stop, a shop, or a mall
The rest is in you to believe
Your side I will never leave
Buy the paradise, and the forty virgins
All the people you kill, you’re just ending their sins

Am I far off, to tell the truth?
Or is it just a hallucination, a mirage, or a ruth?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi !

10:13 pm, August 01, 2006  
Blogger Sarah said...

there is never a truth anymore..only convoluted facts!

12:13 am, August 02, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

right Sarah, you are right.

8:50 am, August 02, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Was I clear to depict an innocent, brain washed fool? Sarah?

10:59 am, August 02, 2006  
Blogger Sarah said...

Reza.. all of us brain washed..not just the innocent kid..
we have been taught that 'our' religion is superior to 'theirs'!
We have been brain washed so much that we don't see the truth anymore.. we only see what we want to see, we only believe what we want to believe..
We don't see the human being anymore. We see the muslim, we see the jew, we see the christian and the hindu.. we don't see the brother, sister, father mother son and daughter..If we did, we will think before taking another life..

12:14 pm, August 02, 2006  
Blogger Othersideblue said...

As Beautiful and fluent as a river,
your poem has a rhyme and tune like a song which I like most.

Yeah, you are depicting the innocent brain washed fools, I see the story has no end.

3:13 pm, August 02, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

if only we could see another human being Sarah!

5:03 pm, August 03, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

May the end be written by his God! Dear OSB

5:04 pm, August 03, 2006  
Blogger jac said...

It is like breeding a race horse, Reza !

An immovable black flap on the side of eyes, partially blocking the side views and allowing just a straight view...right on the race tracks.

3:13 am, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Karin said...

I absolutely echo immigrantincanada ... I could't have said it better! I'm fighting that though, very much even ... my privat, personal fight! I want to see the human, - am colorblind, don't care what faith, nationality, how much money ... only the soul.
It may sound weird, but I'm working on it!

7:12 am, August 04, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

very nicely put Jac.

10:10 am, August 04, 2006  
Blogger m.reza said...

Don’t lose faith Karin, but don’t use religion, listen to your heart, religions might have been paths to take you to God in the past, but they are not anymore, they have been modified, manipulated, altered, tainted so many times that they are not working anymore, no matter which one it is, they have lost their translations. Create your own path, clean and straight, from your heart to the one and only God, who loves his children not based on the religion they have, but based on who they are as humans. No broker needed!

10:26 am, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

رضا جان انگار این رسم این جا شده که انگلیسی بنویسم. اما با اجازه‌ی تو من به عادت مالوف و شیوه‌ی مرسوم خودم عمل می‌کنم. شعرت را خیلی روان خواندم. سکته نداشت. برای من که زیاد سواد شعر ندارم تنها لذت بردن از شعر است که می‌ماند. پس از جهت تکنیکی کمکی نیست حرف‌ام. اما مضمون، تجربه به من ثابت کرده که هر وقت یک اتفاقی در بسته‌ی زمانی ِ خاصی می‌افتد باید صبر کرد و فاصله گرفت. این‌جا، مقصود جنگ است. جنگ و تبعات‌اش. تصاویر دل‌خراشی که حتمن تو هم دیده‌ای و روح حساس هنرمند بلافاصله واکنش نشان می‌دهد. این برخورد به گمانم تاریخ مصرف دارد. فقط به درد آن وقت و زمان مشخص می‌خورد. اما این از زیبایی شعرت از استفاده‌ی به جایی که از کودک و کودکی که در پارادوکس بزرگی است با جنگ، نمی‌کاهد. شاید اگر من می‌خواستم چیزی بنویسم خدا را زیر سئوال می‌بردم. تو خلاف من عمل می‌کنی و این به شعرت هم قدرت می‌دهد.
احتمالن نتوانستم کمکی کنم چندان. بنابراین با اجازه‌ی تو به شعرت لینک می‌دهم تا شاید رفقای کم و بیش با معرفت بیایند و بخوانند و چیزکی بگویند که بیش‌تر به کارت بیاید.
فقط باز هم بگویم که خیلی لذت داد روانی و یک‌دستی‌اش. نمی‌توانم بگویم که محتوایش لذت‌بخش بود چون نبود. جنگ تلخ است. خدا هم بی‌رحم و...قربان تو

4:13 am, August 06, 2006  
Blogger Yunika said...

how do you know my blog address?
but anyway, thanks for visiting my blog.. ;)


6:49 am, August 08, 2006  
Blogger Karin said...

Very nicely said Reza!! Thanks!

7:21 am, August 08, 2006  
Blogger Yunika said...

I hope we can keep in touch and sharing.

thx, hope to hear from you soon.


8:01 am, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

اين روزها همه چيز مزه جنگ ميده!حتي اين خواب نيمه شب!!

5:43 pm, August 08, 2006  
Blogger jac said...

Your reply to Karin is the truth.
If holy books of any religion (I repeat any) were followed...then the world would have been a different place to live.
Which religion will accept its mistakes? Show me a holy book which says to behave badly.
What is the good in being nice to others, just before one is about to die.
If only people realize that hell and heaven are here !
Yes, we can only wish !

4:31 pm, August 09, 2006  
Blogger jac said...

Wake up, buddy !!

11:31 pm, August 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

خوب خوشحالم که فعال و سر و حال می بینمت . متن شعرت رو اگر چه خوندم . زیاد متوجه استعاراتش نشدم . با این همین که هستی شکر .

درود .

8:19 am, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

سلام. خیلی خوشحال شدم که به وبلاگم سر زدی و برام کامنت گذاشتی.ممنون. وبلاگ خیلی خوبی داری واز اشعار خیلی زیبایی استفاده کردی که گویای ذوق و قریحه ی خیلی بالای شماست. موفق باشی.

6:17 pm, August 22, 2006  

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